Monday, October 31, 2011

आज का जीवन सूत्र-३१-१०-२०११

आज का जीवन सूत्र-३१-१०-२०११
शान्ति की इच्छा से शान्ति नहीं आती , इच्छाओं की शान्ति से शान्ति आती है !
परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज

: आज का विचार -31/10/11

अगर आप अपनी दृष्टि में स्वंय को ऊँचा देखना चाहते हो तो ऊँचाई की बात सोचना शुरु कर दीजिए।

परम पूज्य सुधांशुजी महाराज

If you want to achieve great heights, use your thoughts to imagine it to be so.



Translated by Humble Devotee

Praveen Verma


It should be kept in mind that whatever is being...

It should be kept in mind that whatever is...
Sumiti Gupta 31 October 08:00
It should be kept in mind that whatever is being done by us is the service to that 'Beloved'. Maintain attachment to God while gathering the wealth and enjoying the worldly pleasures.

Your wealth should be useful to you. It should be used in the journey towards God, and be used for the good of your nation. If the direction is correct then everything gets strengthened and becomes smooth. –Sudhanshuji Maharaj

Your wealth should be useful to you. It should b...

Your wealth should be useful to you. It should...
Sumiti Gupta 31 October 08:01
Your wealth should be useful to you. It should be used in the journey towards God, and be used for the good of your nation. If the direction is correct then everything gets strengthened and becomes smooth. –Sudhanshuji Maharaj

You go on reciting the name of the Lord, you go...

You go on reciting the name of the Lord, you...
Sumiti Gupta 31 October 08:06
You go on reciting the name of the Lord, you go on contemplating God, and then you are coloured in the colours of God and a spring of nectar begins dripping inside you. One who creates that wealth, one who gives that capital to you is – Sadguru. –Sudhanshuji Maharaj