Tuesday, September 3, 2013

regarding email sms etc

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mggarga <mggarga@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 9:57 AM
Subject: regarding email sms etc
To: vaishnavispat@vsnl.net, Kataria Devraj <katariadevraj@gmail.com>, ach_dr.narendrasharma@yahoo.com

Respected Agarwalji Hari Om,

You may be remembering that some time back you asked me  to look after the work of Vardan Lok Ashram. But due to my age, journey of 4hours by bus, Auto and train,& 7 hours duty there I said to that seva  no. Then I was praying To Guruji to give some seva which I can do from home.I got inspiration to contact VJM Singapore. I did it and I came in contact with Shirishji. I started sending Quotes in Hindi from the pravachan of Guruji. Then web Sites (blog) were created & I started posting in that .One day Guruji said in pravachan that quotes may be distributed in 108 houses so that Mala is complete .Hearing this I started sending Quotes by email & at present I am sending to about 300 to 500 email IDs since August 07.Recently I contacted Mr.Nischit and I started a web(blog) as Ananddham Mumbai Maharashtra .Some time back Mr. sunil Sachdeva  asked to start Ananddham,Org.

You can visit the following sites















Recently Sh.Devraj Kataria ji requested Dikshit devotees to send their Email ID for sending information by email. This work I am doing & in case I am involved in it these information will be sent to them .In this connection I suggest that,

1] Copy of all the email Id are send to me available in Head Office.

2] I am getting Jeevan sanchetna & Dharam Dut very late & hence information given in that ie future programmes are delayed in posting & sending. I request that these are sent to me as soon as they are ready after print.

3] Any information required to be send is send to me by email so that the same is posted in web & forwarded to Devotees.

4] I can send Good Wishes of Guruji of Birth day & anniversary to Life Members in case matter is provided to me.

5] In case server is there I am connected to the server.

6] Lot of Postal & printing expenditure including TIME can be saved. I have sent the Forms of Membership to USA, Hong Kong, Philippines, Australia, and Dubai. Singapore Malaysia, The forms were provided by Sh.Nischit ji.

7] Free sms can be send & free phone can also be done

8] Email addresses of each Manadal with address & office bearers name is provided to me so that that information can be sent immediately.

This Era of E governance so we should take advantage of this

With Blessings of Guruji a lot of money can be saved.

With Regards


(Madan Gopal Garga)

3/13, Premjyoti, Rambag, Lane No.5,

Kalyan (W)421301  email    mggarga@gmail.com


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